FY2022-23 Budget Allocation for Health Sector and Its Effective Implementation

Jun 16, 2022

An online national advocacy dialogue on ‘Budget Allocation for Health Sector and Its Effective Implementation’ jointly organized by Bangladesh Health Watch, Brac James P Grant School of Public Health, Brac University, and Unnayan Shamannay. The keynote is being presented by Professor Dr. Atiur Rahman, Chairperson and Former Governor of Bangladesh Bank. Former information minister Hasanul Huq Inu MP, who attended as chief guest, emphasized developing a five-year plan for the health sector giving the highest priority to ensuring universal primary healthcare and then allocating the budget in alignment with that plan. Health insurance schemes were identified as the way forward by Dr Pran Gopal Dutta MP to ensure universal access to quality and affordable healthcare for all.

Dr. Atiur Rahman addressed that primary health care seekers in rural areas currently bear 68% of the total health expenditure out of their pocket, but the ratio could be brought down to 51% if an additional Tk8,000 crore is allocated for health in the national budget for fiscal 2022-23.

The honorable MPs are present at the event. They are Pankaj Nath, MP (Barishal-4), Aroma Dutta, MP ( Women Seat 11) and Lutfun Nesa Khan, MP (Women Seat-48). Professor Dr. Syed Abdul Hamid, Institute of Health Economics, University of Dhaka and Dr. Binayek Sen, Director General, BIDS are attending as discussants. Health experts, representatives from different media professionals and other stakeholders are present at the event too. Bangladesh Health Watch Thematic Group Chair Professor Dr Rumana Haque delivered the welcome speech at the event, moderated by Unnayan Shamannay’s Project Coordinator Zahid Rahman.

ধূমপান কমাতে সিগারেট কার্যকর করারোপ করার এখনই সময়
ধূমপান কমাতে সিগারেট কার্যকর করারোপ করার এখনই সময়

- উন্নয়ন সমন্বয়ের সেমিনারে আলোচকবৃন্দ সিগারেটের দাম উল্লেখযোগ্য মাত্রায় বাড়িয়ে তার ওপর কার্যকর হারে করারোপই এই ক্ষতিকারক পণ্যের ব্যবহার কমিয়ে আনার সবচেয়ে কার্যকর উপায় হিসেবে প্রমাণিত। তবে বাংলাদেশে সিগারেটে কার্যকর করারোপ না হওয়ায় এখনও...

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